Informazioni sulla fonte

JewishGen Volunteers, comp. Bessarabia (oggi Moldavia), Documenti di decesso, 1858-1914 [database online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Dati originali: Jewish Congregations and Orthodox Consistory. Metrical books and Alphabetical Book of Deaths. Chişinău, Moldova: National Archives of the Republic of Moldova and Central State Archive of Moldova. These records are also available on microfilm through the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Specific microfilm information provided with each record. This data is provided in partnership with

 Bessarabia (oggi Moldavia), Documenti di decesso, 1858-1914

Questo database contiene i documenti di decesso degli ebrei della ex gubernia russa di Bessarabia relativi agli anni 1858-1914. La maggior parte dei documenti riguarda la città di Kishinev (l'attuale Chişinău in Moldavia). Le informazioni fornite nel database sono le seguenti: il nome del defunto, i nomi dei genitori, il nome del coniuge, la data di decesso e il luogo di decesso.

This database contains Jewish deaths records from the former Russian Gubernia of Bessarabia.

These records were originally created by the Jewish Congregations of the various towns where the records were recorded, i.e. the Jewish Congregation of Kishinev (Chisinau), etc. The text is both in Russian (Cyrillic alphabet) and Hebrew script, although some records are in Russian only.

The vast majority of the records are for the city of Kishinev (now Chisinau, Moldova).

About the Database:

Below is a list showing the years and cities included in this database. The years specified do not imply full coverage so there will gaps in the records.

  • Beltsy: 1867

  • Kaushany: 1884

  • Kishinev: 1858-1859, 1880-1884, 1890-1891, 1894, 1897, 1899, 1900-1914

The Register of Deaths records may contain the following information:

  • FHL microfilm number

  • Item number on microfilm

  • Image number on microfilm, if available, or the page number located at the top right on the record itself (this will enable you to locate the record on the film)

  • The place and year that the record was registered

  • Record number of death

  • Surname

  • Given name

  • Father’s name

  • Mother’s name

  • Spouse’s name

  • Spouse’s surname

  • Day, month, and year of death, according to the Julian calendar

  • Day and month of death, according to the Jewish calendar

  • Town of death

  • Place of residence

  • Comments

  • The archive where this original record is located, along with the fond, list and item number where the record is stored.

Additional records (more localities and years) are available on microfilm from the Family History Library. Check their online catalog for specific holdings.