Risultati 1 - 13 di 13
Tabella con righe a strisce.
Ordina in base alle raccolte Correlate all’area geografica Jugoslavia
Ordina per Conteggio
Storie utente pubbliche (in inglese)31.929.835
Storie utente personale (in inglese)11.095.170
USC Shoah Foundation, Interviste ai sopravvissuti all’Olocausto ebraico (in inglese)654.425
Olocausto: Archivio dei sopravvissuti stampato in Pinkas HaNitzolim I & II, 1945 (in inglese)123.727
Palestina, Immigrazione illegale dall’Europa occupata dai nazisti, 1938-1945 (USHMM) (in inglese)61.664
Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Volume I (in inglese)1.244
Serbia, Ebrei assassinati nelle vicinanze di Sabac, 1941 (in inglese)1.055
The history of modern Europe : In a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, vol. 1 (in inglese)268
The history of modern Europe : In a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, vol. 3 (in inglese)258
The history of modern Europe : In a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, vol. 5 (in inglese)257
The history of modern Europe : In a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, vol. 4 (in inglese)253
The history of the Alison or Allison family in Europe and America, 1135-1892 (in inglese)193
Familia augusta Lucemburgensis, ex monumentis fide dignis demonstrata in disputatione circulari praeside55

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